Bottom up Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe

BASE Adaptation Inspiration Book: 23 European Cases of Climate Change Adaptation

This BASE Adaptation Inspiration Book: 23 European Cases of Climate Change Adaptation is the result of four years extensive case study research carried out within the EU FP-7 Project BASE: Bottom-up climate adaptation strategies towards a sustainable Europe (2012-2016).

Pivoted largely on findings from a meta-analysis of BASE case study research, this book presents a brief overview of 23 diverse in-depth case studies that span across Europe, administrative levels, geographic scales, multiple sectors and trans-disciplines. Case studies range from traditional analytical studies to participatory action-research. Depending on the climate change adaptation phase, needs and challenges, each case study focuses on one or a combination of methods applied in the climate change adaptation planning process, namely: economic evaluations of adaptation options; participatory applications; and implementation barriers and opportunities.

The book has been developed by the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, together with the support and input from all BASE partners.

It follows the success of the CIRCLE-2 Adaptation Inspiration Book published in 2012.


Publication Document: 
Publication Type: 
Date of publication: 
November, 2016