Bottom up Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe

Protocol for data formats needed for up-scaling and modelling

This document provides a framework and consecutive protocol for consolidating data from the case studies in a format that delivers compatibility and quality to meet the requirements for up-scaling and modelling costs and benefits at
European scale. The deliverable has close relations with WP3 (modelling tools) and WP4 (case study analysis framework). The protocol addresses the need for common definitions, methods and assumptions to be applied throughout the project and it provides for a data request to the case studies and procedures to hand over data (who provides the data, who receives the data, what deadlines are applied, etc.). Such a common grid is a pre-requisite for being able to upscale information to a European sectorial and policy level.

A procedure is proposed in which case studies as a start are provided with draft categories of generic adaptation tipping points, measures and an evaluation protocol. This is followed by training for the case study owners and testing of the proposed methods in the case studies their selves. Based on the experience gained the protocol will be finalized before month 18 to steer final data delivery of cases studies to the integration work package 6. Because of this circular approach and also because the framework for up-scaling (D6.2) is still under development we have separated this deliverable into 6.1a, being the ‘test protocol’ and 6.1b being the final scheme for data delivery (scheduled for M18). This is 6.1a.

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