Note: The deadline for application has past.
From October 28th to 31st 2015, in Portugal, the BASE Project (base-adaptation.eu) will convene the BASE Transnational Training Course on Climate Change Adaptation in Practice. Designed for 15 carefully selected adaptation practitioners, it will convey an in-depth understanding of climate change adaptation in different areas and allow for the exchange of experiences between partici-pants from all over Europe. Over the span of two intense training days, participants will have ample networking opportunities with each other and with the teaching faculty, composed of representatives from BASE project partners and other recognised experts in the field.
Course Content
Course agenda available for download here.
The BASE Training Course will provide a curriculum dedicated to the implementation of climate change adaptation projects, and provide illustration through many hands-on examples, practical experience and case studies. It will be heavily based on the results found so far in the 3 years of the BASE project.
Covered issues include:
- State-of-the-Art Adaptation in Europe
- Integral Economic Analysis (CBA, CEA, MCAs)
- Participatory Aspects in Adaptation Processes
- Implementation Analysis
Team-building activities are alson an important component of the BASE Training Course and will be fos-tered through break-out sessions and frequent working groups.
Teaching Faculty
The teaching faculty for the BASE Training Course will consist of experienced adaptation profes-sionals from the relevant organizations, most of them partners of the BASE project. With its combi-nation of different backgrounds, this course guarantees a high level of technical expertise and prac-tical experience as well as promotes the creation of an active network between Training Course participants.
Participation is open to applicants from EU countries.
Applicants should have experience in the field of adaptation implementation, preferably in a con-crete context that can be presented as a case study/best-practice example during the course. Par-ticipants will be selected based on defined criteria that take into account a balanced mixture of pro-fessional backgrounds and nationalities.
Final confirmation of participants will rest with BASE.
Logistical Arrangements
The Training Course will be carried out from October 28th to 31st 2015 near Lisbon in Portugal. Ac-commodation, catering and local transportation during the Training Course will be covered by the organizers for all eligible participants. A limited financial support of max 350 Euro will be provided for travel expenses (from Lisbon airport to the training facilities and back is already arranged). Fur-ther details will be made available to those applicants who have been selected for participation.
The BASE Training Course is implemented on behalf of BASE by Ecologic Institute and the Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon. It is funded by the European Commission.
For further information, e-mail: basetraining@ecologic-events.eu