On the 11th of May 2015, a day before the recent European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) conference in Copenhagen, the BASE project hosted a European Stakeholder Workshop on the topic of 'Adaptation in the BASE Case Studies'. The BASE project includes 22 case studies across Europe researching adaptation on the following cluster topics: agriculture, coast, cities, health, conservation and water resources. This workshop aimed to bring stakeholders from each case study together and provide a platform for them to exchange knowledge on ongoing adaptation research, policy and actions.

Olivia Rendón (University of Leeds-UK) and Andre Vizinho (FFFCUL-Portugal) presented the BASE project to participants and led a debate-filled day with facilitation by project researchers. The morning consisted of thematic group discussions on a) agriculture and conservation, b) cities and health, and c) coast and water resources. Discussions were centred on key questions that have arisen in BASE partners’ research, such as: which adaptation measures are relevant in your locality?, How do you prioritise your adaption efforts and who are involved (main stakeholders) in this decision making process? Outputs showed that there were some similarities across case studies and also differences, emphasising the context-specific aspect of adaptation. Both scientists and practitioners that were involved in the case studies contributed to the lively discussion.

In the afternoon, dynamic world cafes were developed on three main aspects of adaptation: economics, participation, barriers, and opportunities. These sessions aimed at highlighting the current issues being faced in case study localities and the ways of taking adaptation forward. The day closed with a review of the BASE project case studies on behalf of the stakeholders, in order to assess the research carried out so far and the level of participation of stakeholders. Overall it was an insightful event that allowed stakeholders from across Europe to share experiences and knowledge among themselves, and also with the scientists that work in their localities. It also served as a useful networking opportunity where several new links were created for current and future activities.
Monday, May 11, 2015