Bottom up Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe

Katriona McGlade

Katriona McGlade is a Fellow at Ecologic Institute where she works on on climate change adaptation, international development, marine and water policy. Her primary interest is in governance issues such as transboundary cooperation, inter-sectoral coordination, and the role of stakeholder engagement in shaping policy outcomes. Katriona is active in a number of projects relating to climate change adaptation, recently working on adaptation to water-related impacts in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Sahel region. She also currently leads the analysis of governance and stakeholder interaction structures to design target-group specific adaptation measures in the Policy Mix for an updated Adaptation Action Plan for the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA).  In addition to her research activities, Katriona is actively involved in the communication of research results and regularly contributes to policy briefs, presentations and innovative communication tools. She is responsible for the coordination of BASE communication and dissemination activities.