Bottom up Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe

Policy brief

BASE Policy Brief #4: BASE Policy recommendations

This Policy Brief presents ten recommendations for improving the practical implementation of the three overarching objectives of the EU Adaptation Strategy. These recommendations emerged from general modelling approaches combined with careful analyses of individual case studies across Europe. The recommendations were scrutinized by adaptation stakeholders and experts in a co-creation workshop in June 2016.

BASE Policy Brief #3: Evaluation Criteria for Climate Adaptation

Climate change threatens the countries, regions and economic sectors of Europe in different ways. Adaptation to climate change is carried out through very different policies and measures. Monitoring and evaluating these initiatives is important for tracking successes and failures in order to foster learning. There already exist a large number of criteria and criteria sets to evaluate climate adaptation policies and measures and their implementation.

BASE Policy Brief #2: Climate Adaptation Strategies in the EU

There is broad consensus that National Adaptation Strategies (NAS's) are a useful tool for countries to assess vulnerabilities, mainstream climate change risks, and address adaptation. In line with this, many EU Member States are currently in different stages of designing, implementing and reviewing their own NAS’s, a practice actively encouraged by the European Union under its 2013 Adaptation Strategy. As these processes have occurred over different timeframes and in differen

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