Bottom up Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe


Guidelines for EU and Member State policy makers

This report outlines 21 policy-relevant recommendations – and supporting evidence – for policy-makers working at the EU, national and local levels to support adaptation decision-making. The recommendations are based on the combined findings of the BASE project and are differentiated between different policy levels, yet generic enough to be applied to different decision-making contexts. The lessons are based around the following 5 themes:

Process tool for testing and evaluating future plans for adaptation – using storylines and pathways for adaptation to CC across Europe

This deliverable show how findings from modeling, case studies and the RCP-SSP story line framework can be brought together to inform adaptation policies across Europe using a step by step process tool. The steps of the tool are explained and implemented for 4 regional storylines (Northern-Arctic, North-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern-Mediterranean Europe) and three combined socio-economic and climate scenarios with different adaptation and mitigation challenges.

Implementation of climate change adaptation: Barriers and Opportunities to adaptation in case studies

This deliverable assesses the implementation of adaptation measures and strategies through the study of their key barriers and drivers. The study categorises drivers and barriers to adaptation for each case study across temporal stages of adaptation progress, and looks at how barriers have been overcome and for patterns to provide recommendations.


Fotolia © Andreas G.



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